
湖北民族大学 医学部



   名:  冉瑞金


最高学位:  博士研究生

   称:  副主任医师/副教授

   务:  眼科主任

E-mail  :   179410664@qq.com

   话:  1837816890

研究方向: 眼底病、眼外伤、眼用生物材料合成



2019. 09-2022. 06:四川大学华西医院眼科学专业学位研究生,获眼科博士学位(师从眼底病研究专家张明教授);

2011. 09-2014. 06:重庆医科大学附属第一院医院眼科学专业研究生,获眼科学硕士学位(师从眼底病研究专家张学东教授);

2000. 09-2005. 06湖北民族大学医学部临床医学专业,获衣医学学士学位。




湖北民族学院2016年校级教学研究项目,2016JY040,新型临床实践教学模式在医学教育改革实践中的应用研究,2016/05-2018/05 ,0.2万元,结题,主持人

湖北省教育厅科学研究中青年人才项目,Q20151901,玻璃体腔注射NaHS对STZ诱导糖尿病视网膜病变的防治作用及机制研究,2015/01-2016/12,2万元,结题 ,主持人


  1. 2023年第九届湖北省高等学校教学成果奖 排名第4,湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅/湖北省教育厅



  1. Wang C, Ran R, Jin X, et al. Plasma and vitreous selenium concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes and  diabetic retinopathy[J]. Medicine (Baltimore), 2022,101(39): e30877.(IF=1.87) 通讯作者

  2. Ruijin Ran, Wenqiang Shi, Yunxia Gao, Ting Wang, Xiang Ren, Yi Chen, Xue Wu, Jun Cao, and Ming Zhang. Super-fast in situ formation of hydrogels based on multi-arm functional polyethylene glycols as endotamponade substitutes [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021,9 (44):9162-9173.(IF=7.571)

  3. Wang T, Deng J, Ran R, et al. In-situ forming PEG-engineering hydrogels with anti-fouling characteristics as an artificial vitreous body[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022,449:137486.(IF=16.744)  (共一排第三

  4. Ran R,Du L,Zhang X,Chen X,Fang Y,Li Y,Tian H.elevated hydrogen sulfide levels in vitreous body and plasma in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy[J].Retina. 2014,10(34): 2003-2009 (IF=4.013)

  5. Ran RJ, Zheng XY, Du LP, Zhang XD, Chen XL, Zhu SY. Upregulated expression of high mobility group box1 and intercellular adhesion molecule1 in the retina and BRB changes of a type 2 DM rat model [J]. Int J Ophthalmol. 2016 Nov 18;9(11):1591-1597 (IF=1.166)

  6. Ran R, Yang S, He H, Ma S, Chen Z, Li B. A retrospective analysis of characteristics of visual field damage in patients with Leber,s hereditary optic neuropathy[J]. Springerplus.2016 Jun 23;5(1):843 (IF=1.13)

  7. Mengying Tao, Yueqin Gou, Ruijin Ran, Yunhan Tao, Yunxia Gao, and Ming Zhang. A family with extremely early onset ATTRv amyloidosis and an F44S mutation in China [J]. Amyloid, 2021:1-2. (IF=7.141)

  8. Ting Wang, Ruijin Ran, Yan Ma, and Ming Zhang. Polymeric hydrogel as a vitreous substitute: current research, challenges, and future directions [J]. Biomedical Materials, 2021, 16(4): 42012. (IF=3.715)

  9. Wang T, Ran R, Ma Y, et al. Polymeric hydrogel as a vitreous substitute: current research, challenges, and future directions[J]. Biomedical Materials, 2021,16(4):42012(IF=3.715)

  10. Chen XL,Zhang XD,Li YY,Chen XM,Tang DR, Ran RJ. involvement of HMGB1 mediated signalling pathway in diabetic retinopathy: evidence from type 2 diabetic rats and ARPE-19 cells under diabetic condition[J].Br J Ophthalmol 2013;97:1598–1603 (IF=3.615)

  11. Zhang GS, Zhang YY, He F, Ou ML, Wang LK, Liao L, Ran RJ, Xiang HH, Chen JH, Wang SJ. Primary intracranial papillary meningioma: Analysis of factors of prognosis and systematic review. J Clin Neurosci 2021; 91: 118-124(IF=1.593)

  12. Ruijin Ran, Ting Wang, Ming Zhang et al. A Novel Approach for 25-gauge Transconjunctival Sutureless Vitrectomy to Evaluate Vitreous Substitutes in Rabbits. (submitted)

  13. Wang CM,Ran RJ.Research advance of biological functions of selenium and selenoprotein in ocular diseases.Guoji Yanke Zazhi ( Int Eye Sci) 2021; 21( 4) : 660-663(通讯作者)

  14. Ren X, Feng W, Ran R, Gao Y, Lin Y, Fu X, Tao Y, Wang T, Wang B, Ju L, Chen Y, He L, Xi W, Liu X, Ge Z, Zhang M. Artificial intelligence to distinguish retinal vein occlusion patients using color fundus photographs. Eye (Lond). 2022 Oct 27.

  15. Gao Y, Ren X, Lin H, Li K, Xiao L, Wang X, Zeng Z, Ran R, Tao Y, Lin Y, Fu X, Yan N, Zhang M. Phenotypic characterization of autosomal dominant progressive cone dystrophies associated with a heterozygous variant c.2512C>T of GUCY2D gene in a large kindred. Eye (Lond). 2022 Dec 12.

  16. Zhang GS, Zhang YY, He F, Ou ML, Wang LK, Liao L, Ran RJ, Xiang HH, Chen JH, Wang SJ. Primary intracranial papillary meningioma: Analysis of factors of prognosis and systematic review. J Clin Neurosci. 2021 Sep;91:118-124.

  17. 冉瑞金,张学东,田洪益,陈小丽,李颖媛,唐德荣.23 G无缝线玻璃体切割手术在治疗玻璃体视网膜疾病中的应用[J].重庆医科大学学报.2014,8(39):1103-1106

  18. 冉瑞金,张学东,杜利平,硫化氢与眼底病[J],中国实用眼科杂志.2013,12(31):1519-1522

  19. 冉瑞金,张新芳,何艳霞,石天,李清韬.结膜吸吮线虫21例发病特点分析[J]. 中国实用眼科杂志.2016;2(34):167-169

  20. 冉瑞金. 硫氢化钠对糖尿病视神经病变大鼠氧化应激及血浆睫状神经营养因子水平的影响[J].中国老年学杂志. 2016,36(7):1585-1587


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