
湖北民族大学 医学部


名: 丰连东

性 别:男  


职 称:助理研究员

E-mail  : fengliand@126.com

电 话:18162557369



主要从事调控机体免疫的纳米生物材料和肿瘤治疗智能纳米药物的研究,以一作或通讯作者发表在Advanced FunctionalMaterials、Nano Research、Chemistry-A European Journal、Microchim Acta、Polymer Chemistry等期刊上发表SCI论文10篇,累计他引(Google Scholar引用)177次,单篇引用最高60次。主持博士后基金一项,参与一项国家自然科学基金重点研发项目。




1Liandong Feng, Zhiyou Chen, Wei Dong, Aming Xie, Xiaowei Zang and Juan Li*, An intracellular in situ assembly of ultrasmall nanoparticles as drug depots for enhanced chemotherapy, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 21960–21968 (三区, IF: 3.925).

2、Xiaodong Zang, Liandong Feng, Wengang Qin, Weilin Wang , Xiaowei Zang*, Using machine learning methods to analyze the association between urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and chronic bowel disorders in American adults, Chemosphere, 2024, 346, 140602 (二区,IF: 8.1).

3、Liandong Feng, Shanshan Wu, and Yuzhou Wu. Intracellular bottom-up synthesis of ultrasmall CuS nanodots activating both photothermal therapy under laser irradiation and COX-2 inactivation for tumor therapy Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 31, 2101297 (TOP; 一区, IF: 19.924).

4、Liandong Feng, Li Yang, Longjie Li, Junying Xiao, Nana Bie, Chao Xu, Jun Zhou, Hongmei Liu, Lu Gan, and Yuzhou Wu. Programmed release nanoparticles suppress immune suppressive pivot PGE2 to potentiate immunocheckpoint blockade cancer immunotherapy ( TOP; 一区;Nano Res., 2022, 15, 593-602, IF: 10.269).

5、Liandong Feng, Yuqi Wang, Zhiliang Luo, Zheng Huang, Yan Zhang, Kai Guo* and Deju Ye*. Dual Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Anticancer and Anti-inflammatory Drugs Combination. Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 9397 – 9406 (TOP; 二区; IF: 5.317).

6、Zhiliang Luo (共同一作), Liandong Feng (共同一作), Ruibing An, Guanfu Duan, Runqi Yan, Hua Shi, Jian He, Zhengyang Zhou, Changge Ji, Hong-Yuan Chen, and Deju Ye*. Activatable Near-Infrared Probe for Fluorescence Imaging of g-Glutamyl Transpeptidase in Tumor Cells and In Vivo. Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 14778 – 14785 (TOP; 二区; IF: 5.317).

7、Junjian Li, Yingzhi Jiao, Liandong Feng*, Ying Zhong, Gancheng Zuo, Aming Xie, Wei Dong*. Highly nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon dots: rational design, photoluminescence and cellular imaging. Microchim Acta 2017, 184, 2933–2940 (二区; IF: 4.58).

8、Liandong Feng, Hao Yu, Yucheng Liu, Xinyu Hu, Junjian Li, AmingXie, Jianfa Zhang, Wei Dong*. Construction of efficacious hepatoma-targetednanomicelles non-covalently functionalized with galactose for drug delivery. Polymer Chem., 5 (2014) 7121-7130 (TOP; 二区; IF: 5.368).

9、Liandong Feng, Aming Xie, Xinyu Hu, Yangyang Liu, Jianfa Zhang, Shufeng Li, Wei Dong*. A releasable disulfide carbonate linker for polyethyleneimine (PEI)-based gene vectors. New J. Chem. 2014, 38, 5207-5214 (三区; IF: 3.159).

10、Liandong Feng, Xinyu Hu, AmingXie, Hao Yu, Yangyang Liu, Jianfa Zhang, Wei Dong*. Cationic charged polymer vesicles from amphiphilic PEI-g-PSSAs-g-PEI as potential gene delivery vehicles. Aust. J. Chem. 2014, 68, 806-813 (四区, IF: 1.644).

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