1、著作 由金文、张美德、谭旭辉.湖北省药用植物种子图鉴(一)[M].武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2022。 2、SCI论文 (1) Wuxian Zhou, Yuanyuan Duan, Xiaogang Jiang, Xuhui Tan, Qin Li, Hua Wang, Yajuan Zhang, Meide Zhang*. Transcriptome and metabolome analyses reveal novel insights into the seed germination of Michelia chapensis, an endangered species in China [J]. Plant Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111568. (2) Wuxian Zhou, Xiaogang Jiang? , Xuhui Tan, Darong Li, Hua Wang, Jinwen You, Xiaoling Li, Meide Zhang*. Transcriptome analysis provides novel insights into the soil amendments induced response in continuously cropped Codonopsis tangshen [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2022.972804. IF=6.627 (3) Meide Zhang, Yinsheng He*, Wuxian Zhou, Lunqiang Ai, Haihua Liu, Liang Chen*, Yan Xie*.Effects of Continuous Cropping of Codonopsis tangshen on Rhizospheric Soil Bacterial Community as Determined by Pyrosequencing [J].Diversity, 2021, 13(7), 317. (4) Guangjing Ma, Meide Zhang*, Jilei Xu, Wuxian Zhou, Liwen Cao.Transcriptomic analysis of short-term heat stress response in Pinelliaternate provided novel insights into the improvedthermotolerance by spermidineand melatonin [J].Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 202:110877. (5) Wxuain Zhou, Yuanyuan Duan, Yajuan Zhang, Hua Wang, Donghai Huang, Meide Zhang*. Effects of foliar selenium application on growth and rhizospheric soil micro-ecological environment of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz [J]. South African Journal of Botany, 2020, 137:1-12. (6) Tao Jiang?, Meide Zhang?, Chunxiu Wen, Xiaoliang Xie, Wei Tian, Saiqun Wen, Ruike Lu, Lingdi Liu*. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of the anthocyanin regulatory networks in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Flowers [J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:349. (7) Xiao-Yan Duan, Kun-Yuan Guo, Dong-Jin Lv, Ren-Qiang Mei*, Mei-De Zhang*. Terpenes isolated from Polyalthia simiarum and their cytotoxic activities [J]. Fitoterapia, 2020,147:104734. (8) XiaoyanDuan, Lunqiang Ai, Chengzhen Qiang, Meide Zhang*,Renqiang Mei*. The polymer iridoid glucosides isolated from Dipsacus asper [J]. Phytochemistry Letters, 2019, 33:17-21. (9) Yiyi Xiong, Yanfang Yang, Weichen Xiong, Yunfeng Yao, Hezhen Wu*, Meide Zhang*. Network pharmacology-based research on the active component and mechanism of the antihepatoma effect of Rubia cordifolia L. [J]. Jorunal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2019,120(8):12461-12472. |