
Dormancy and germination characteristics of Tarenaya hassleriana (Cleomaceae) seeds

作者:linxy 时间:2023-07-03 15:43:25

作者:Zhao Ren-Fei, Shen Xue-Yang, Rong Zi-Han, Mou Jiao-Lin, Xu Li, Deng Zhi-Jun*



刊物名称:Journal of Seed Science


摘 要:Elucidating the physiological and ecological mechanisms of seed dormancy and germination is of great significance for species conservation and the application of plant resources. Based on Baskin and Baskin’s classification system for seed dormancy, the cause of dormancy in Tarenaya hassleriana (Cleomaceae) seeds was studied using alternating temperature, cold moist stratification, dry storage, and GA3 soaking treatment. The results indicated that fresh mature T. hassleriana seeds had a combinational dormancy, including a physical dormancy and a type 2 non-deep physiological dormancy, and were photoblastic, with an optimal germination temperature of 35°C. In addition, fresh mature T. hassleriana seeds may be efficiently released from dormancy and promoted to germinate by an alternating temperature of 20°C/30°C, cold moist stratification, and cold moist stratification following dry storage. Furthermore, GA3 soaking treatment could also promote dormancy release and subsequent germination at 35°C, and dry storage treatment could promote dormancy release and subsequent germination at 5–15°C. These results also suggested that there were complex cross-talks among phytohormone, osmotic potential, and the temperature signaling regulatory pathways during dormancy release and germination of T. hassleriana seeds, which deserve further study.



                                                                                             通讯员:朱江   编辑:余慈爱   审核:邓志军

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