



更新时间: 2023-01-04 15:21:44



Email: dzhch168@163.com



1993.09-1997.07 西南民族大学化学系,应用化学专业,获学士学位

1997.07- 湖北民族大学(原湖北民族学院)化学与环境工程学院,从事教学及科研工作

2002.09-2005.09 中科院大连化学物理研究所,有机化学专业,获理学硕士学位

2006.09-2009.12 中科院大连化学物理研究所,有机化学专业,获理学博士学位


(1) 2013.1-2016.12,新型手性P/N配体的设计合成及不对称催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金委,50万元

(2) 2011.1-2012.12,新型手性P/S配体的设计合成及其在不对称催化中的应用研究,教育部,10万元

(3) 2011.1-2012.12,新型手性P/S配体的设计合成及其应用研究,湖北省教育厅,2万元

(4) 2011.1-2012.12,基于三唑杂环骨架的手性P/S配体的设计、合成及不对称催化性能研究,湖北民族学院,2万元

(5) 2011.1-2012.12,新型手性N,N,P三齿配体的设计合成及应用研究,湖北民族学院,2万元


1. 张华林,郭志谋,王联芝,金高娃,邹丽红,吕园园,马明辉,闫竞宇*段正超*,梁鑫淼.  基于电喷雾-四极杆-飞行时间质谱的神经节苷脂的结构解析.  分析化学. 2019, 47(06):  925-932.

2. Zheng-chao Duan*, Lian-zhi Wang, Xin-jian Song, Xiang-ping Hu, Zhuo Zheng. Enantioselective synthesis of optically active alkylphosphonates via Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of beta-substituted alfa,beta-unsaturated phosphonates. Tetrahedron:Asymmetry 2012,23, 508–514.

3. Zhengchao Duan*, Lianzhi Wang, Xiaoyu Zuo, Xiangping Hu, Zhuo Zheng. Rh-ImiFerroPhos complexes catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of beta-substituted α,β-unsaturated phosphonates.Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2014, 35, 227–231.

4. 段正超*,王联芝,胡向平,郑 .衍生于手性双二茂铁乙胺的单齿亚磷酰胺配体在不对称催化氢化中的应用.分子催化,2012,26,328-332.

5. 段正超*,王联芝,左晓宇,屈桃李,胡向平,郑 . WalPhos配体/铑配合物对βγ-不饱和膦酸酯的不对称催化氢化.应用化学,2014, 31, 242-244.

6. Duan Zhengchao*, Wang Lianzhi, Qu Taoli, Zuo Xiaoyu, Hu Xiangping, Zheng Zhuo. Enantioselective Synthesis of Chiral 2-Phenylpropanol via Rh-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of 2-Phenylprop-2-en-1-ol.应用化学,2014, 31, 1356-1358.

7. Zheng-Chao Duan, Xiang-Ping Hu*, Dao-Yong Wang, Jia-Di Huang, Sai-Bo Yu, Jun Deng, Zhuo Zheng*. Enantioselective synthesis of optically active alkanephosphonates via rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of beta-substituted alpha,beta-unsaturated phosphonates with ferrocene-based monophosphoramidite ligands.Adv. Synth. Catal.2008,350, 1979-1983.

8. Zheng-Chao Duan, Xiang-Ping Hu*, Cheng Zhang, Dao-Yong Wang, Sai-Bo Yu, Zhuo Zheng*. Highly Enantioselective Rh-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of beta,gama-Unsaturated Phosphonates with Chiral Ferrocene-based Monophosphoramidite Ligands.J. Org. Chem.2009,74, 9191-9194.

9. Zheng-Chao Duan, Xiang-Ping Hu*, Jun Deng, Sai-Bo Yu, Dao-Yong Wang, and Zhuo Zheng*.Asymmetric synthesis of chiral glutaric acid derivatives via Rh-catalyzed enantioselective hydrogenation.Tetrahedron: Asymmetry2009,20, 588-592.

10. Zheng-Chao Duan, Xiang-Ping Hu*, Dao-Yong Wang, Sai-Bo Yu, Zhuo Zheng*. Cu-catalyzed asymmetric conjugate reduction of beta-substituted alfa,beta-unsaturated phosphonates: an efficient synthesis of optically active beta-stereogenicalkanephosphonates.Tetrahedron Lett.2009,50, 6720-6722.

11. DUAN Zhengchao, HU Xiangping, ZENG Qingheng, ZHENG Zhuo*. Enantioselective Addition of Phenylacetylene to Aldehydes Using a Planar Chiral N,O-Ferrocene Ligand.Chinese Journal of Catalysis2005,26, 352-354.


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