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2基于抗坏血酸的Maillard反应形成肉香分子的机理及其产物的抗氧化活性研究(20876036).国家自然科学基金面上项目. 结题.

3基于抗坏血酸的Maillard反应动力学研究(31360408).国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目. 结题.

4武陵地区特色芳香天然产物的香气成分及其合成(T200707).湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目. 结题.

5武陵地区野生果蔬风味物质及其前体的形成和释放机制(20171010).北京食品营养与人类健康高精尖创新中心开放基金. 结题.

6亚临界水体系中L-抗坏血酸/氨基酸非酶褐变反应风味物质形成机制与褐变化学行为 (31960512). 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,在研2020-01 – 2023-12.



1. Ai-Nong Yu, Bao-Guo Sun. Flavour substances of Chinese traditional smoke-cured baconFood Chemistry, 2005, 89(2): 227-233IF 9.231Top期刊

2. Ai-Nong Yu, Bao-Guo Sun, Da-Ting Tian, Wan-Yun Qu. Analysis of volatile compounds in traditional smoke-cured bacon (CSCB) with different fiber coatings using SPME. Food Chemistry, 2008, 110(1):233-238. IF 9.231Top期刊

3. Ai-Nong Yu, Ai-Dong Zhang. Aroma compounds generated from thermal reaction of L-ascorbic acid with L-cysteine. Food Chemistry, 2010, 121 (4): 1060-1065. IF 9.231Top期刊

4. Ai-Nong Yu, Ai-Dong Zhang. The effect of pH on the formation of aroma compounds produced by heating a model system containing l-ascorbic acid with l-threonine/ l-serine. Food Chemistry, 2010, 119 (1): 214-219. IF 9.231Top期刊

5. Ai-Nong Yu, Zhi-Wei Tan, Fa-Song Wang. Mechanism of Formation of Sulfur Aroma Compounds from L-Ascorbic Acid and L-Cysteine during the Maillard Reaction. Food Chemistry, 2012, 132 (3):1316-1323. IF 9.231Top期刊

6. Ai-Nong Yu, Yong-Yan Zhou, Yi-Ni Yang. Kinetics of browning and correlations between browning degree and pyrazine compounds in L-ascorbic acid/acidic amino acid model systems. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221, 1678–1684. IF 9.231Top期刊

7. Yi-Ni Yang, Fu-Ping Zheng, Ai-Nong Yu*, Bao-Guo Sun*. Changes of the free and bound volatile compounds in Rubus corchorifolius L. f. fruit during ripening. Food Chemistry, 2019, 287, 232–240. IF 9.231Top期刊

8. Ai-Nong Yu, Zhi-Wei Tan, Fa-Song Wang. Mechanistic studies on the formation of pyrazines by Maillard reaction between L-ascorbic acid and L-glutamic acid. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2013, 50(1):64-71. IF 6.056Top期刊

9. Ai-Nong Yu, Yi-Ni Yang, Yan Yang, Miao Liang, Fu-Ping Zheng and Bao-Guo Sun. Free and bound aroma compounds of Turnjujube (Hovenia acerba Lindl.) during low temperature storage. Foods, 2020, 9(4), 488. IF 5.561

10. Ya Li, Yan Yang* & Ai-Nong Yu*. Effects of reaction parameters on generation of volatile compounds from the Maillard reaction between L-ascorbic acid and glycine. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016, 51(6), 1349–1359. IF 3.612

11. Ai-Nong Yu, Xing-Ping Wang and Xiao-Hong Yang. Chemical composition of the essential oils of flowers of Rosa banksiae from China. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2007, 43(6): 728-729.

12. Ai-Nong Yu, Bao-Guo Sun and Wei-Bing Hu. Top note compounds of Chinese traditional bacteria-fermented soybean. Natural Product Research, 2008, 22(17): 1552-1559.

13. Ai-Nong Yu, Da-Ting Tian, Wan-Yun Qu, Zhi-Wei Tan, Xin-Jian Song. Chemical composition of the essential oil of the roots of Actinidia chinensis from China. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2009, 45(1)108-109.

14. Ai-Nong Yu, Qi-Hui Deng. Volatiles from the Maillard Reaction of l-Ascorbic Acid and l-Alanine at Different pHs. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2009, 18(6):1495-1499.

15. Ai-Nong Yu, Zhi-Wei Tan and Bo-An Shi. Influence of the pH on the formation of pyrazine compounds by the Maillard reaction of L-ascorbic acid with acidic, basic and neutral amino acids. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, 7(3), 455-462.

16. Zhi-Wei Tan and Ai-Nong Yu*. Volatiles from the Maillard reaction of L-ascorbic acid with L-glutamic acid/L-aspartic acid at different reaction times and temperatures. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, 7(4), 563-571.

17. Yong-Yan Zhou, Ya Li, Ai-Nong Yu*. The effects of reactants ratios, reaction temperatures and times on Maillard reaction products of the L-ascorbic acid/L-glutamic acid system. Food Science and Technology, 2016, 36(2), 268-274.

18. Ai-Nong Yu, Le-Pan Tang. Kinetics of non-enzymatic browning reaction from the L-ascorbic acid/L-cysteine model system. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2016, 34(6): 503–510.

19. Ai-Nong Yu, Ya Li, Yan Yang, Ke Yu. The browning kinetics of the non-enzymatic browning reaction in L-ascorbic acid/basic amino acid systems. Food Science and Technology, 2018, 38(3): 537-542.

20. Ai-Nong Yu, Yi-Ni Yang, Yan Yang, Fu-Ping Zheng, Bao-Guo Sun*. Free and bound volatile compounds in the Rubus coreanus fruits of different ripening stages. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019, 43(10): e 12964.

21. Yi-Ni Yang, Miao Liang, Yan Yang, Fu-Ping Zheng, Xing-Ping Wang, Ai-Nong Yu*. Optimization of a headspace solid-phase microextraction method for the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis aroma compounds of Litsea mollis Hemsl. immature fruit. Food Science and Technology, 2020, 40(4): 786-793.

22. Ya Li, Yan Yang, Ai-Nong Yu and Kui Wang. Effects of reaction parameters on self-degradation of L-ascorbic acid and self-degradation kinetics. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2016, 25(1): 97-104.

23. Yan Yang, Ai-Nong Yu, Bao-Guo Sun, Yu-Ping Liu and, Hong-Yu Tian. Study of the kinetic behaviour of non-enzymatic browning reaction between L-ascorbic acid and glycine by the excess concentration method. International Food Research Journal, 2021, 28(3): 566 – 575.

24. Yan Yang, Ya Li, Liang Feng, Ai-Nong Yu, Bao-Guo Sun and Yu-Ping Liu. The effects of reaction parameters on the nonenzymatic browning reaction between L-ascorbic acid and glycine. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2021; 17(1): 49–56.

25. Miao Liang, Yan Yang, Fu-Ping Zheng, Bao-Guo Sun, Xing-Ping Wang, Ai-Nong Yu*. Comparison of free and bound volatile profiles of immature Litsea mollis fruits grown in five distinct regions of China. Food Science and Technology, 2022, 42, e28821.

26. Liang Feng, Yan Yang, Shuang-shuang Liu, Ding-yun Tan, Chun Tan, Ai-Nong Yu. The study of volatile products formation from the self-degradation of L-ascorbic acid in hot compressed water. Food Chemistry, 2022, 371, 131155. IF 9.231Top期刊


1. 余爱农. 豆豉香麻辣调味油及其生产方法.专利号:ZL 02 1 43664.9.

2. 余爱农. 箬叶多糖的提取方法.专利号:ZL 03 1 42883.5.


1. 硫醚、二硫醚类食用香料生产关键技术.教育部2001年度中国高校科学技术奖技术发明二等奖(证书号:2001-129.

2. 《精细化工剂型加工技术》面向21世纪教学内容改革.2005年获湖北省政府高等学校教学成果三等奖(证书号20050278.

3. 指导的本科毕业论文:2007年获湖北省优秀学士学位论文一等奖;2010年获湖北省优秀学士学位论文奖.

4. 20099月获得湖北省优秀教师(湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅、省教育厅联合表彰),鄂人公奖[2009]25号文


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