



更新时间: 2021-08-02 11:03:26



Email: liuhui_career@163.com






(1) 湖北省博士启动基金,MY2015B022,金属修饰的复合纳米结构的光电器件构筑和传感性能研究,2015/12-2021/128万元,在研,主持

(2) 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划面上项目,ZRMS2020001229,基于氧化铌异质结型自驱动紫外光电探测器设计及性能研究,2020/3-2022/35万元,在研,主持



(1) 期刊论文:

1. Yong Zhang, Siyuan Li, Ziliang Li, Hui Liu, Xinya Liu, Jiaxin Chen, and Xiaosheng Fang*. High-Performance Two-Dimensional Perovskite Ca2Nb3O10 UV Photodetectors. Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 382.

2. Siyuan Li, Yong Zhang, Wei Yang, Hui Liu, Xiaosheng Fang*. 2D Perovskite Sr2Nb3O10 for High-Performance UV Photodetectors. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1905443.

3. Yaohua Li, Wenxiu Huang, Hui Liu,* Jinshou Wang, Li Tian, Shenghui Zhang. UV photodetector based on polycrystalline SnO2 nanotubes by electrospinning with enhanced performance. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20, 334.

4. Hongyu Chen#, Hui Liu#, Zhiming Zhang#, Kai Hu# and Xiaosheng Fang.* Nanostructured photodetectors: From ultraviolet to terahertz, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 403-433.

5. Hui Liu, Nan Gao, Meiyong Liao and Xiaosheng Fang.* Hexagonal-like Nb2O5 Nanoplates-Based Photodetectors and Photocatalyst with High Performance. Scientific Reports 20155, 7716; DOI: 10.1038/srep07716.

6. Hui Liu, Zhiming Zhang, Linfeng Hu, Nan Gao, Liwen Sang, Meiyong Liao, Renzhi Ma, Fangfang Xu and Xiaosheng Fang.* New UV-A Photodetector Based on Individual Potassium Niobate Nanowires with High Performance. Advanced Optical Materials 2014, 2, 771-778.

7. Hui Liu, Linfeng Hu, Kentaro Watanabe, Xinhua Hu, Benjamin Dierre, Bongsoo Kim, Takashi Sekiguchi, and Xiaosheng Fang.* Cathodoluminescence Modulation of ZnS Nanostructures by Morphology, Doping, and Temperature. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23, 3701–3709.

8. Hui Liu, Xianlong Du, Peiyuan Gao, Jihua Zhao,* Jian Fang and Weiguo Shen. Distinct magnetic properties of one novel type of nanoscale cobalt–iron Prussian blue analogues synthesized in microemulsion. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2010, 322, 572–577.

Hui Liu, Xianlong Du, Chuanhui Liang, Peng Liu, Jianfeng Xu, Jian Fang, Weiguo Shen and Jihua Zhao.* Morphologies and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt-Iron Prussian Blue Analogues Nanoparticles Synthesized in Microemulsion. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2010, 40, 805–811.


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